Calígula BD 1979 [Blu-ray]

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Autor: Peter O'Toole

Formato: Adulto

Detalles: Sinopsis: Se trata de un drama de muy alto contenido erótico que narra el ascenso y caída del emperador romano Calígula (12 D.C-41 D.C), sobrino e hijo adoptivo del emperador Tiberio. Sus crueles métodos para ocupar el trono y su afición por todo tipo de orgías, humillaciones y vejaciones son el núcleo de esta polémica película. Extras: Making Off (VOSE) (10 min. Aprox). Trailer.

EAN: 8436555537784

Fecha de lanzamiento: 05-05-2022

Unión: Blu-ray

Before reading, please check the instructions carefully, otherwise the measurement may not be accurate.

We will use the measurement of the circumference of our finger.

1. Cut a small strip of paper and wrap it around your finger, as if it were a ring.

2. In the part where the ends of the paper strip meet, always make a small mark on the looser side, which is the outer side.).

3. Now, once the paper strip is marked, simply stretch it on a ruler and you will have the equivalent of the standard size of Spain.

Four. Remember that the measurement is in millimeters 1 centimeter 10 millimeters.). 




Spanish size

3.0 44.20 44
3.0 44.80 Four. Five
3.5 45.50 Four. Five
3.5 46.10 46
4.0 46.80 47
4.0 47.40 47
4.5 48.00 48
4.5 48.70 48
5.0 49.30 49
5.0 50.00 fifty
5.5 50.60 fifty
5.5 51.20 51
6.0 51.90 52
6.0 52.50 52
6.5 53.10 53
6.5 53.80 53
7.0 54.40 54
7.0 55.10 55
7.5 55.70 55
7.5 56.30 56
8.0 57.00 57
8.0 57.20 57
8.5 57.60 58
8.5 58.30 59
9.0 58.90 59
9.0 59.50 60
9.0 60.20 61
9.5 60.80 61
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10.0 62.10 62
10.0 62.70 63
10.5 63.40 64
10.5 64.00 64
11.0 64.60 65
11.0 65.30 66
11.5 65.90 66
11.5 66.60 67
12.0 67.20 67
12.0 67.80 68
12.5 68.50 69
12.5 69.10 70